In today’s digital age, data privacy and protection are paramount concerns for businesses of all sizes. This is where Virocom’s SafeWeb Plus’s GDPR Compliance steps in, offering a comprehensive solution designed specifically for SMBs.
In today’s digital age, data privacy and protection are paramount concerns for businesses of all sizes. This is where Virocom’s SafeWeb Plus’s GDPR Compliance steps in, offering a comprehensive solution designed specifically for SMBs.
Key Components
Dark Web Monitoring - Our monitoring system continuously scans the dark web for your data such as passwords, emails, or credit card details. We provide immediate breach notifications and monthly reports to help you stay in control.
Incident Response - Our dedicated team is there for you when you need it most. We’ll guide you through the aftermath of a breach and help you get back on your feet.
AI Support - Get instant support from a trained AI chatbot we have developed in-house to ensure you get the best information immediately.
Privacy Toolbox - We have compiled leading documents on regulation, advice and procedures to help ensure your business is setup to succeed from the outset.
Phising Simulation - Keep fradulent criminals at bay with phising email testers
Know Your Corporate Exposure on the SafeWeb
Fill the details for a Demo and we’ll check your corporate domain against hundreds of billions of recaptured darknet assets, from credentials to PII – for free.
See your footprint, including breach exposures and malware-exfiltrated data that puts your business at risk of account takeover and ransomware.
Virocom is excited about technology and the potential power of its applications for the future – We provide our clients, their employees and customers, with sustainable competitive advantages by wrapping world-class cloud technologies in first-class service. With expertise in technology and sustainability, we revolutionise businesses across industries, offering innovative solutions and expert guidance. We firmly believing that all customers should achieve the maximum benefits from the technology they employ. Established in 2004 with in-depth knowledge and experience of the business communications spectrum, Virocom delivers tailor-made services and manages them efficiently through its unique software layer. Virocom explores strategic partnerships, collaborating to increase automation, strengthen security and provide customer satisfaction by consistently delivering solutions that enable frictionless and highly automated environments, simplifying the complex and new tech for all enterprises.
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