Virocom iPECS Cloud

What is Virocom iPECS Cloud?

End-to-end solutions for Cloud service

iPECS Cloud is an end-to-end solution including a wide range of applications and endpoints. Enterprise grade PBX features can be delivered in the Cloud and it is now possible to start new Cloud-based businesses with minimal upfront set up costs.

Virocom iPECS Cloud at a Glance

Locally hosted & supported

  • Powerful telephony features

  • Intuitive reporting

  • Geographic flexibility

  • Customer billing portal access

  • UC solution audio conference bridge, FAX to email

  • Auto attendant, voicemail, call recording

  • Auto call barring service

  • Enhanced call handling with iPECS IP attendant reception console.

At Virocom, we recognise that business operations are no longer confined to a desk or the traditional 9-5.

The business phone system landscape has changed immensely over the past decade. For starters, new software-based communications solutions don’t need dedicated hardware in the server room or IT office anymore, because the entire system runs in the cloud.

In many instances, hard phones such as your desk phone are not even required. New phone solutions often include a soft phone or client that runs on many different devices, such as your PC, tablet or smartphone. Additionally, modern phone solutions no longer offer just ‘voice’. They have transformed to offer a range of Unified Communications (UC) capabilities such as instant messaging, presence, video calling, collaboration tools and mobility solutions, all designed to keep your business at maximum productivity.

If you need a business communication system that can be as mobile as you are. Whether you work in an office, at home or on the road, you can have a seamless experience with Virocom Cloud. Not only can a hosted VoIP business phone system transform the way you operate as a business, but it can also save you money. Hosted phone systems take advantage of VoIP technology which can deliver high-quality calls, whilst also saving between 30% to 60% on your monthly line rental when switching from on-premise solutions using older ISDN or Analogue lines.

The Virocom iPECS Cloud Communication solution is tailored to deliver reliable and simple communications from our highly secure and resilient data centres. By allowing Virocom to manage the phone system, it means you have the support of our large infrastructure and technical team to ensure the system operates properly and any issues are dealt with immediately and effectively.

Virocom iPECS Cloud is designed to scale, so it suits all sizes of business, whether you have a single home office or multiple locations around the globe. With on-demand features and same-day provisioning, you can add or remove users quickly and easily. With our advanced feature packs, you can completely tailor the user experience and provide a call centre solution, reception console and much more, with just a click.